Our little family excitedly welcomed our new addition – Alexander – on Easter Sunday. Two months have flown by already and I haven’t even posted his newborn photos that I took of him when he was just home from hospital!
I went into labour in the early evening on the 19th April – stopping between contractions as I was reading Chiara her nighttime story before bed. Things progressed well into the evening when we made the call to the family to come down. My parents were away at their farm in the Hunter Valley and managed to get here in record time! As well as my big sister Lisa (who also happens to be a midwife and a Calmbirth teacher! How lucky am I?!). My wonderful husband and birth team of my special family were there for every contraction. Hubby turned off the lights and ran around lighting tealight candles and put on my playlist of songs that I put together for when my daughter was born. We danced during contractions. It was perfect.
I stayed a home for a while and then went in to the RPA Birth Centre at around 10:30. The wonderful Shirin Town arrived shortly after and captured these beautiful images of Alex’s arrival. Be sure to check out her fantastic Birth Photography – I can’t recommend her highly enough!
At 3:50am on Easter Sunday, our little Alexander came into the world. I was so thrilled and proud to be able to have a second beautiful, drug-free birth, in a dark room with my favourite music and all the extra special people in my life there to witness it. I couldn’t ask for anything more special.
We are all so in love with our little man. He’s such a happy, content little boy and already a hugely important part of our little family. Our sweet little Easter Bunny…. Alexander