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Illuminate Studio Lighting Course

If you follow my Facebook page, you would have noticed that I recently completed the Milky Way studio lighting course Illuminate. I’ve been a natural light photographer since I first picked up the camera, and while I had learned the basics of studio light and bought a softbox many years ago, my equipment was gathering dust on a shelf somewhere. To be honest, I was convinced that I couldn’t recreate the beautiful light of natural light for my clients.

But then, I started getting frustrated. My little studio has large trees outside in my courtyard. Whilst I am a bit of a “greenie”, I have had fantasies of mowing them down with a chainsaw. The photographers out there will know the feeling – you have your exposure all set, your white balance, your subject is perfectly positioned, you pick up your camera to take the shot…… and the sun completely disappears on you behind a cloud (or one of my blasted trees!). You quickly change your settings and take the shot just as the sun comes back again, giving you a lovely image of your subject completely overexposed looking like a ghost floating in mid-air. Rinse, repeat. Don’t even get me started on the ever changing white balance, or the direction of the light in my little studio. You get the picture.

As much as I love natural light, the inconsistency was driving me mad. I announced suddenly that I was going to dust off my studio lighting equipment. If some of my photography idols could make studio light look natural, then I could too!

To cut a long story short. If you’re frustrated with natural light like me, or you are just looking to learn how to use studio light for those times when the sun just doesn’t shine, then the Milky Way Illuminate Studio Lighting Course is for you!

Here is a little before and after to convince you that this course is the bees knees!



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